Home Cars & Motorcycles Cars The false myths of the ITV dismantled by the ITV experts themselves

The false myths of the ITV dismantled by the ITV experts themselves


Surely some of you thought it was true.

The ITV is a recurring element in our lives as drivers. This is just a regular procedure for cars, to which everyone should be accustomed, but there are still false myths about it that are not true.

Now, from the Spanish Association of Collaborating Entities of the Administration in the Technical Inspection of Vehicles (AECA-ITV), they have wanted to deny them.

If you do not pass the ITV, you can circulate until the second inspection

If the defect is considered serious, it can only circulate to go to the workshop and return to the ITV. If it is very serious, it will have to be moved by crane, repaired and returned to the ITV. In both cases there is a period of two months to carry out the second inspection.

Inspectors are not properly trained

Each center has a technical director with the title of “Technical Engineer”, “Engineer” or similar; while inspectors must have the title of “Higher Automotive Technician” or equivalent. In addition, there are elective courses to continue training.

There is a mandatory rejection percentage to meet

The ITV centers have to respond to criteria of objectivity and impartiality and the workers cannot have any conflict of interest in the performance of their activity.

The ITV does not guarantee the safety of vehicles

As a report prepared by the Carlos III University of Madrid demonstrates, in 2021 ITVs prevented 148 fatalities from traffic accidents, because thanks to them the correct maintenance and operation of vehicles is guaranteed.

The ITV does not help to protect the environment

In fact, the ITV protects both from excessive noise and excess polluting emissions, one of the tests that results in more failures for the cars that are presented. The Carlos III study indicates that 575 premature deaths a year due to exposure to polluting particles are avoided thanks to ITV.

The car does not have to have insurance to pass the ITV

In order to carry out a technical inspection, it is essential that the car have valid insurance, you do not have to present proof but the station will check it.

If the vehicle does not circulate, it is not necessary to have the ITV in order

If a vehicle is registered, it has the ability to circulate, so even if it is parked on the street and does not move, it must have the ITV, if not, it is liable to receive a fine.

Only the owner of the vehicle can pass the ITV

Anyone can pass the ITV as long as they carry the necessary documentation: technical sheet and vehicle circulation permit.

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