Home Cars & Motorcycles Cars The trick that some drivers who cannot enter the ZBE with their...

The trick that some drivers who cannot enter the ZBE with their car consider but that does not serve to avoid fines


The cameras do not look at the label, but at the license plate…

Although each of the municipalities with more than 50,000 inhabitants that, based on the new Climate Change Law, will have to create a restricted traffic area, will do so with their own rules, there is a general one: vehicles without a label are left out.

This, according to recent reports, means that almost four million cars will suffer from the restrictions in large cities. And since not all the drivers of the so-called A-vehicles will be able to accept the change to an electric car or a plug-in hybrid, the picaresque begins to work and to think of tricks that do not always work…

How to get the DGT label

In accordance with the environmental classification of the DGT, vehicles with diesel engines prior to 2006 and gasoline engines prior to 2000 remain without a sticker. Unless they meet one of the exceptions (such as being historical or being registered in the restricted area sufficiently in advance ), the fine for accessing with these cars is 200 euros.

But if the reason they get penalized is that they don’t have a sticker, why not get them one?

Echo of the DGT Sticker

There are several options to obtain the DGT label but all of them require the beneficiary to enter the vehicle data, which prevents a car that does not have a sticker due to the registration date from obtaining it according to regulations.

The trick to enter the LEZ with a vehicle A that does NOT work

At this point, some driver who thinks they are witty will think that they can use the sticker that their father/neighbor/friend has not put on the windshield (wearing it is not mandatory in most cities) and thus enter the LEZ no problem.

Nothing is further from reality. The LEZ surveillance cameras do not look at whether or not the vehicle has the sticker attached, but rather on the license plate. Among the many data provided by the series of numbers and letters that identifies the vehicle is the label that corresponds to it and it is this data that initiates the sanction process or not.

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