These are the 24-hour fixed electricity rates from the main retailers: start saving now


There are many rates that you can contract for your home electricity. The price difference can be significant, so if you are looking to save, it is advisable to choose carefully between the different options. In this article we are going to show you the prices of the fixed rate, without time discrimination, from the main suppliers. This will help you check if what you have contracted is correct or, on the contrary, it is better for you to choose another one.

If you don’t want to worry about what time you turn on the washing machine or when you start cooking, the best option is to have a 24-hour fixed rate. This means that it doesn’t matter if you turn on the oven at 5am, 11am or 6pm: you will always pay the same. It doesn’t matter if it’s a weekend or not.

Fixed rates from the main retailers

With these rates that we are going to show, we are leaving aside specific offers and contracts that only take into account consumption at certain times, days, etc. Basically, we are going to show what would be the simplest rates for everyone. Knowing how much you pay per kWh and the power. We are going to put all the prices without taxes, as well as the daily power.

Energy Nest

The rate of Energy Nest It is very simple and has a peculiarity that makes it stand out from others: even if you contract a fixed 24-hour rate, if the price of electricity goes down, they promise to lower the prices as well. This is interesting, since we have seen periods in recent months in which energy has decreased considerably, but this has not really been reflected in many contracted rates.

The price of kWh, 24 hours a day, is €0.1195. On the other hand, the price of power is €0.080822 kW/day, both in off-peak and peak periods. These prices, as we say, are not affected by the time of day or whether or not it is a working day.

Nido Energy Fixed Rate


This is one of the most popular marketers. Iberdrola There are many different rates, but we are going to focus on the 24-hour fixed rate. This is the one we are interested in for this comparison. It allows you to forget about what time you turn on your appliances so you can pay more or less.

In this case, the price of kWh is €0.10942. Regarding the price of power, it starts from €0.041095 per kW/day in off-peak periods, up to €0.9589 in peak periods. From there, you can calculate how much you normally consume or what power you demand, to know how much you would pay per month.

Iberdrola fixed electricity rate


We will also include in this list Endesaanother of the main energy companies in Spain. Again, it has multiple electricity rates, but there is one that we are going to analyze: the fixed rate to pay the same 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, clearly.

With Endesa, the price per kWh, on the 24-hour fixed rate, is €0.11250. As for the price of power, the kW ranges from €0.038872 per day, in off-peak periods, and €0.10578, in peak periods.

Electricity rate with Endesa


Another marketing company that we want to analyze, to check what the price is if the 24-hour fixed rate is contracted, is Naturgy. This option is also available, of course, in addition to other rates that do have time discrimination or certain offers. But we are interested in the basics, being able to always pay the same.

On this occasion, the fixed price per kWh is €0.11490. If we talk about power, it ranges from €0.03404 per kW/day in the off-peak period to €0.10366 in the peak period. All this, as we say, without adding taxes.

Electricity rate with Naturgy

Octopus Energy

Another option is to Octopus EnergyOn their website you will be able to find different rates, including the Octopus Relax rate, which allows you to pay the same 24 hours a day, without time discrimination that could increase energy consumption at certain times of the day.

The price per kWh is €0.118, while the power ranges from €0.026 per kW/day in the off-peak period to €0.089 at peak. You can check whether these values ​​suit you by comparing them with the rate you already have.

Octopus Energy Rates

In short, these are the main suppliers that allow you to contract a fixed 24-hour electricity rate. You can check the price per kWh, as well as the power. These rates do not have permanence, so you can change them whenever you want.

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