This dangerous threat is stealing mobile banking data in 7 countries, including Spain


There are many types of threats that could put your banking data at risk if you don’t take precautions. In this article we are going to report on a new malware that affects 7 countries, including Spain. We are going to explain how it could affect you and, most importantly, what measures you can take to avoid problems. The goal is to protect your data and prevent it from ending up in the wrong hands due to a mistake.

It is a fact that it is increasingly common to buy online. And people of all ages do it. Cybercriminals know that they have a possibility of attack there and do not hesitate to launch campaigns to steal banking data. In this case, it is a Trojan that affects Android devices.

Medusa, banking trojan for Android

Specifically, it is the Medusa banking trojan. It affects Android devices and, although it is not completely new, it is the way in which it is resurfacing and attacking. At the moment, it affects users from 7 countries and Spain is also included. They are improved variants, requiring fewer permissions and more capabilities to carry out transactions.

This banking Trojan is also known as TangleBot. It is an example of what is known as Malware as a Service (MaaS). Basically, a malicious tool that they put on sale so that someone can buy it and infect other users and, in this way, obtain financial benefit.

But what exactly is this malware capable of doing? It could record keystrokes, control the screen or manipulate SMS. In this way, you would have the ability to make an economic transaction and be able to enter the 2FA codes that that device receives via message.

They usually sneak this Trojan through downloads of fake applications. For example, they are using a malicious program that pretends to be Google Chrome. By installing it, the victim is actually adding malicious software. It is also hidden in applications to watch streaming sports content, for example.

Banking Trojans, a major problem

How to avoid this Trojan

To protect yourself from this Trojan, the main thing is to be very careful about what programs you install on your device. Always make sure to install applications from official sources, such as the Google Play app store itself, as well as reliable websites. Avoid downloading third-party software without any guarantees.

It is also essential to have everything up to date. In many cases, there may be vulnerabilities that cybercriminals will exploit. These security flaws can be used to steal data, passwords or take control of the computer. Therefore, always make sure you have the latest versions installed, both of the operating system and any application you install.

On the other hand, having a good antivirus is going to be key. It doesn’t matter if you are using a computer or mobile device. There are many options available, but we always advise you to carefully review what you are installing. That will help you have software that really helps protect you. Additionally, acting quickly if your phone is hacked will help you reduce the risk.

In short, be careful with the programs you install. They are releasing a Trojan called Medusa and it affects users in Spain, among other countries. Always make sure you only have official applications, in addition to having your equipment updated.

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