Finetwork brings you the best fiber + mobile offers for the summer


Summer is here, and with it, the perfect time to enjoy our free time to the fullest. And what better way to do it than with a good Internet connection that allows us to stay connected with everything that matters to us: video calls with friends, music to set the mood for our meetings and family, or enjoy all those streaming series and movies that return in these months to keep us glued to the small screen

If, in addition to a quality connection – with 5G and the best fiber -, you are looking for good prices, take a look at the rates offered by Finetwork, a company that already has more than 1 million customers in Spain. Finetwork was born in 2015 in the Alicante town of Villena, as an operator that deployed fiber locally. In 2019, the brand established an agreement with Vodafone with which it made the leap to being a virtual operator, focusing first on an eminently young audience.

Over the years, the company has expanded its target audience to the entire population of the country, with rates and solutions for practically all types of people, and gaining presence as a reference provider for fiber + mobile rates. Today, its convergent and fiber-only offer is in fact the most attractive currently in Spain.

Fiber and mobile finetwork

And all this is because at Finetwork they are aware of the possibilities that a good fiber + mobile rate can offer, and that is why they have launched an irresistible summer offer: fiber + mobile for only €18.90/month. But this is not the only option that the fashion company (thanks to its attractive prices) has for you. Whatever you need, the operator has a wide range of convergent rates that adapt to all your needs and budget.

Why choose Finetwork?

There are many reasons to choose Finetwork as your internet operator this summer, but the main one, as it could not be otherwise, is its unbeatable prices, and forever! Forget about surprises on the bill. At Finetwork, the prices you see are the prices you pay, without tricks or cardboard. In addition, these rates have no expiration date or fine print, so you won’t have to worry about price increases once the promotional period ends.

Fiber and mobile operator Finetwork

The fare price does not change. What can change – always for the better – are the conditions that this rate includes. Thus, so far this year alone, Finetwork has increased the fiber speed and/or data volume of more than 300,000 customers.

Converged fiber + mobile rates

As we have already mentioned, at Finetwork they have a wide variety of convergent fiber + mobile rates so you can choose the one that best suits your needs.

finetwork offers

Some of our most notable offers are:

  • Unlimited 600 MB + GB fiber (now with 5G) for €34.90/month. Ideal for those who need to always be connected and do not want to worry about data consumption.
  • 600 MB fiber + 150 GB for mobile (now with 5G) for €29.90/month. Perfect for large families or people who use the internet for intensive work and entertainment.
  • 600 MB + 55GB fiber for mobile (now with 5G) for €25.90/month. An excellent option for those looking for a balance between high speed and a generous data package.
  • 600 MB fiber + 10 GB for mobile (now with 5G) for €18.90/month. Designed for users with a tighter budget but who do not stop browsing the Internet and are looking for high speed.

To give you an idea of ​​what attractive are these offersJust compare them with the rates of the rest of the companies to see that there is no other company that boasts a better price than Finetwork.

comparative finetwork rates

In addition, any of these offers are available for new registrations and portability and are compatible with other operator services such as Gigatransfer and Accumula Gigas (except the rate with Unlimited GB), as well as with Choose TV.

And if you need only fiber or only mobile, there is no problem, since at Finetwork there are also fiber-only rates and contracts only for mobile so that you can enjoy the best option both inside and outside the home. Now, with 5G available with all mobile plans and with special prices also if you contract more than one fiber (to install in a second residence, for example), for only €14.90 per month… forever!

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