I only trust these 3 programs to keep my passwords safe


Everything related to privacy and security is becoming more and more complicated for ordinary users. To a large extent, this is due to malicious campaigns and attacks of all kinds that we can fall victim to at any time.

Furthermore, over the years, the number of cloud platforms and programs has increased substantially. This means that we are increasingly working with more sensitive and private data, which can often become a serious problem if we do not take certain measures. When accessing these online platforms that we are talking about, in most cases we need to enter personal credentials.

Typically, these consist of our email address, plus a password that we use to block third-party access.

What passwords should be like to be secure

Many users use certain easy-to-remember passwords to avoid complicating their lives. However, in these times this can be a serious mistake and put our bank account, email and all kinds of personal data at risk. Hence, for some time now, experts have proposed a series of measures to take when defining our passwords to use online.

First, they should be as complex as possible to make hacking difficult for potential attackers. In addition, these must be made up of upper and lower case letters, numbers and special characters. But not only that, these access codes should never be repeated on different platforms or applications. All of this means that we should use a different password every time we sign up anywhere online.

As you can imagine, this is something that is quite complicated to carry out, especially if we have to memorize all those complex passwords that we use daily. And that is precisely where the managers we are going to talk about below come into play.

Password managers to save your keys

When we talk about these programs, we are actually referring to online platforms or those that work in the cloud and that store all our passwords in a secure manner. They are also stored encrypted so that we can access all this personal and private content through a master key.

This basically allows us to save all of this content in the form of passwords, whether hundreds or thousands, safely for use when we need them. We have at our fingertips a multitude of platforms and programs of these characteristics to choose from. Let’s look at some of the most well-known, used and reliable ones around the world.

LastPass. Here we find one of the most popular password managers for many years. It is worth noting that it offers us 256-bit AES encryption with PBKDF2 SHA-256. This is a security system to encrypt our passwords in the best way and guarantee the best level of security. It has other additional functions such as the generation of automatic and random passwords to use wherever we register, all of them. this link.

lastpass web1Password. Another password manager that has been very popular for a long time is 1Password, which we can access from here. At the same time and in an additional way, it allows us to securely store many other contents such as personal notes, credit card numbers and passwords of all kinds. It integrates perfectly with our web browsers to work in the best way when we are going to authenticate or create new passwords online.

1Password create a new vaultEnpass Password Manager. In this case we find an application that differs from most password managers because it works locally. This means that we do not share that database with all our keys on remote servers in the cloud with the development companies. This provides extra privacy for many users. They prefer to store such sensitive content on their computers instead of on remote servers, no matter how encrypted the databases are. We can get the program from this link.

enpass interface

And gone are the days of writing down our passwords on a piece of paper or a post it that we stuck on the computer screen. These managers offer us multiple functions to protect data as sensitive as this and also to be able to use it in the most fluid and comfortable way.

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