4 reasons to abandon Windows forever and use Linux Mint


When we buy a computer, most of the time it comes with Microsoft Windows pre-installed. But we can also save the cost of that operating system and ask the manufacturer to send it to us empty.

It is not in vain that this software is the most widely used system for desktop computers worldwide. But we must take into account that we have many other options at our fingertips that are sometimes even better for certain uses. For example, we can always use one of the many Linux distributions available.

For example, in these same lines we are going to talk to you about some interesting reasons why you can abandon Windows and opt to install and use one of the most well-known and loved distros. Specifically, we are referring to Linux Mint, a Linux distribution that has not stopped growing and improving over the years. Below we will see some of the main reasons that will lead you to abandon Windows for this other software as a key element on your computer.

It is free and with pre-installed software

For Windows regulars, the first thing that will undoubtedly catch your eye is that Linux Mint is completely free and open source. You don’t need to pay for its download and installation, although you can always make a donation to the project. In addition, its installation is very simple, just download the ISO image from its official website and burn it as a boot image to a USB stick.

Linux Mint 21.3 Virginia

A simple installation manager will guide us through the installation process. After all this, we will have Linux Mint on the PC and we will be able to use all the pre-installed applications, which are quite a few and correspond to multiple sectors of the software.

It is a fast and secure operating system

Linux Mint comes with three variants of desktop environments: Cinnamon, MATE, and XFCE. Perhaps the Cinnamon edition of Linux Mint is the most popular and common one. In fact, if you are a novice user coming from Windows, you should definitely install this mentioned environment, Cinnamon.

All in all, whatever you choose, Linux Mint is very fast and fluid in its operation. In turn, you will not have to worry about viruses or malware, since in most cases, malicious codes do not attack Linux.

It is based on Ubuntu

We should also know that Linux Mint is based on the popular Ubuntu LTS distro. Thus, it is usually supported for four years with security and other fixes. This means that we do not need to worry about the security of the system. We will get regular updates directly into the system when necessary.

Furthermore, I’m sure many of you already know firsthand that Ubuntu is perhaps the best-known Linux distribution in the world.

Huge hardware support

Contrary to what many may initially think, current Linux distributions like Mint come with all the latest hardware support for almost all devices. All we need to do is connect the hardware product and it should be detected thanks to its pre-installed drivers, automatically.

All well-known brands of CPUs, GPUs, keyboards, wireless mice, and so on should work without any issues. This is something that has been greatly improved over the last few years in these open source distributions.

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