Microsoft is on the right track: Bing steals millions of users from Google, and it’s going to grow

Microsoft is on the right track: Bing steals millions of users from Google, and it’s going to grow

The Internet search engine sector has not attracted much attention over the years, largely due to the hegemony of Google. All this despite the existing competition, which has never managed to faze the technological giant.

Here we find various alternatives such as the proposal called DuckDuckGo, a search engine that focuses on privacy. But despite its enormous utility, the current market share is quite low. Something similar happens with the alternative that Microsoft has been offering us for many years, we are referring to the search engine of the software giant, Bing.

Even though this interesting search engine comes to us from a company of the importance of Microsoft, it has never been very popular. Of course, it has not become a concern for the aforementioned Google either. But it seems that things are slowly changing, so Microsoft should be pleased.

We are telling you all this because recently we have been able to see a significant growth in the Bing search engine, which had never happened before. These are data that have been extracted based on the latest studies carried out by the StatCounter website. It is quite likely that AI, a technology that is currently on the rise, has played a fundamental role in this growth of the Microsoft search engine.

The integration of CoPilot into Bing has led millions of users to start using this search engine and to move away from Google. But that is not the only reason, as the industry leader has also been surrounded by enormous controversy over the last few years.

Bing grows and Google continues to fall

To give you an idea, the truth is that the Google search engine has never been the greatest exponent of everything related to privacy. Quite the opposite. Of course, the engine we mentioned is still the undisputed leader in the sector, but the decline and loss of users is starting to be significant in favour of the Microsoft alternative, something never seen before.

bing Microsoft copilot

It should be noted that just 5 years ago, the search giant Google, specifically its search engine, had more than 90% of the market share. Now it barely reaches 80%, which represents a downward difference of around 10%, where Microsoft’s proposal benefits greatly. On the contrary, while just a few years ago Bing was used by only 3% of Internet users, now it exceeds 11%.

But perhaps that is not the most important fact, since, as we have seen, the number of users who are opting for Bing at the moment is increasing. Apart from the free AI that this Microsoft search engine currently integrates, the company’s commitment to its Edge browser has also played a fundamental role. This is a program that comes installed by default in Windows and which an increasing number of users have opted for over the last few years.

Let’s see how the growth of the search engine Bing continues to evolve at the expense of the giant Google.

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