This is what puts your bank accounts most at risk on the Internet and you should avoid it


It is very important to protect any account on the Internet, but even more so when it comes to something like a bank account. It is necessary not to make mistakes, prepare your devices well and maintain good protection at all times. We are going to tell you what could most put your bank account at risk. A list of reasons that you should take into account and reduce the risk as much as possible.

Luckily, in most cases hackers are going to need you to make a mistake. Therefore, it is in your hands to have control of security and prevent your information from being compromised on the network, especially data as important as your bank account.

What affects bank account security

Although we focus on bank accounts, keep in mind that it could also compromise many other accounts you have on the Internet. Therefore, it is always necessary to take precautions and not make mistakes when browsing, downloading a file or installing a program.

Have weak passwords

The first thing that can put your bank accounts at risk, if you’re careless, is having weak passwords. This can be a major problem, as it would make it easier for intruders to try and find the right password. Although it’s something basic, it’s still one of the main problems.

But what should your password be like? It’s essential that it’s completely random. It shouldn’t contain any words or digits that relate you. For example, don’t put things like your name or date of birth. Make sure it’s a good length, and also that you change it from time to time.

Do not enable all protection measures

Bank accounts have many protection measures that you can enable. Depending on the bank, you may have more or less, but the essentials are usually always available. For example, you can enable having to confirm when making payments and thus enter a code that you receive via app or SMS.

You can also set limits on payments, whether they are made online, by card in physical stores, ATM withdrawals, etc. In addition, you can enable notifications to be sent to you every time a charge is made to your account and thus be aware of any new developments that may occur.

Errors that do not protect you even if you have an antivirus

Having the device unprotected

Do you have your equipment perfectly protected? This will be essential to avoid problems. It doesn’t matter if you are going to use a mobile device or a computer, since you should always take preventive measures. It is a good idea to have an antivirus, as this will help detect possible malware entry.

In addition, protecting devices also means keeping them updated. Always make sure you have the latest versions. This will help fix security flaws that could be exploited to steal your bank account.

Fall for Phishing

Phishing attacks are still widely used to steal all types of passwords. Without a doubt, bank accounts are targets of these types of threats. What cybercriminals do is send an email or SMS with a fake link so that you click and put your data there. Instead of entering the official website, you are giving that information to cybercriminals.

To protect yourself from phishing, you need to use common sense. Avoid making mistakes such as clicking on strange links sent to you or logging in anywhere other than official sites.

In short, these are the main threats that can compromise the security of your bank accounts. Always make sure to avoid risks and keep your accounts well protected at all times. However, they could steal a PayPal, social network or any other account.

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