Netflix will have one of the best movies of all time in July


If you were waiting for Netflix to reinforce its film catalog with one of the greatest Hollywood classics, you’re in luck. Because the platform, without announcing it, has on its hands the arrival for the month of July of a movie that you will surely enjoy. It arrived in other markets in 2023, but in our country it has been delayed until 2024. The wait has been worth it!

You may remember that, last year 2023, when the terrible incident with the OceanGate company’s Titan submarine occurred, Netflix announced, shortly after, that the classic film directed by James Cameron would come to its platform. It was not exactly a delicate moment as reported by the main media. However, the arrival only occurred in the United States and other markets, so in Spain we have had to wait until 2024.

A classic that never goes out of style

It has been 27 years since Titanic was released in cinemas. In Spain, a little less so, since the film did not land on the big screen until January 9, 1998. In the case of the sinking of the Titanic, 112 years have already passed. In their own way, both events left their mark on the collective memory. The sinking because of the tragedy it entailed, and James Cameron’s film because it was an extreme success. It won 11 Oscars and catapulted Leonardo DiCaprio to fame like a rocket. Since then, the film has continued to be a benchmark of its genre and a viewing that is always enjoyable, since even almost three decades later, it maintains all its value.

A scene from James Cameron's Titanic

Its arrival on Netflix in Spain occurs on July 15. Although there will be new movies and series this month, we cannot deny that the appearance of this indomitable cinema classic is very good news. Until now it could only be seen on Disney+, a platform that has its rights because it belongs to the Fox catalog, one of the properties of the Mickey Mouse mouse company. But, without a doubt, it is good news to see that Disney+ does not maintain the exclusivity of its films and allows them to fly outside of its service. For Netflix, it is a high-level addition.

More than three hours of tension

Surely we don’t need to tell you what Titanic is about, but it would be unfair to overlook some mentions of its cast members. Since although Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet are the ones who monopolize all the shine of the film’s historical legacy, there are other acting professionals whose presence cannot be missed. This is the case, for example, with Billy Zane, who in one of his best roles plays Cal Hockley, and we must not forget that the cast includes the participation of Kathy Bates, Bill Paxton and Victor Garber, among others. .

Titanic is over 3 hours long, and in the end, it flies by. In the comfort of your home and with the flexibility of streaming, having left behind those days of watching endless adverts on DTT or changing VHS tapes (Titanic came on a double tape, mind you), this is a viewing that will give you a top quality cinema session.

The Titanic in James Cameron's 1997 film

Also, when you’re done, Netflix has another related offering that is highly recommended. It’s the docudrama Waking The Titanic, which shares the story of 14 people who left a small town in Ireland and traveled on the ship with the intention of finding a new home in a place where there were opportunities for them. The way in which the tragedy devastated their town and their families still resonates today. The story doesn’t have the Titanic as its protagonist, but rather these young people between 17 and 32 years old who found themselves in a situation they would never have imagined. With its 50 minutes of duration, it is a perfect complement to James Cameron’s work.

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