Home Cars & Motorcycles Cars This happens if you back up while driving

This happens if you back up while driving


It is one of those doubts that surely we have all had at some time: what happens if, by mistake, I reverse gear while I am driving the car? Logic invites us to think that something very bad is going to happen to the vehicle, and it is so, but it is one thing to speculate about it and another to dare to check it first-hand.

It is something that the AutoVlog channel on YouTube has done, not once, but twice. The most striking thing is that in each of them the result was different.

Mounted on a Ford Ranger with quite a jog (it is from 1994), it establishes the parameters to carry out the test: circulate at 50 mph (81 km/h), which has a lot of merit, since it is a speed at which if “ it is bundled” it can be bundled well; and do the test with the four-wheel drive connected.


What Happens If You’re in 4WD And Put Your Transmission In Reverse WHILE driving?

The first attempt is the most spectacular visually. He has a hard time putting the reverse gear while driving, of course, but he finally succeeds and, to his surprise, the investment to start going backwards only occurs in the rear wheels, not in both axles.

Two possible reasons for this to happen: the central coupling jumps or breaks due to the effort demanded by the maneuver, or that the central block was not activated correctly.

In this case, the second time is the charm. Once at the target speed, he manages to engage in reverse and there is a loud breaking noise that leaves no room for doubt: the transmission has broken.

Needless to say, it is crazy to do this with the car, since it is going to break down yes or yes and the repair bill is going to be more than substantial. Luckily for many, this type of maneuver is protected in most vehicles, which do not allow you to reverse if you are driving conventionally.

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