This is the perfect program to use your home PC from your vacation destination


Right now or over the next few days, many of you are going to start preparing for your summer vacation. Right now, technology is an important part of these preparations, so we must also take into account some sections related to hardware and software.

Basically with this what we want to tell you is that, just as happens with the belongings that we normally put in the suitcase, we must also prepare our technological devices. We talk about the mobile phone, the tablet, the corresponding chargers, the laptop, the Bluetooth speaker, and everything that we think we are going to need.

We must take into consideration that we are going to be away from home for a few days, or even weeks, so it is advisable to stop for a few minutes to think about what we need. If we normally work with a desktop computer, taking it to the vacation destination can be a bit uncomfortable. Furthermore, this difficult transportation can become a problem if we are going to need to use that equipment during the summer vacations.

This could be for example for professional reasons, although instead of traveling hundreds of kilometers to be able to use our desktop computer, we are going to offer you a very interesting alternative solution. We are talking about the circumstance in which we need to use our home PC, from the apartment on the beach or the place where we are on vacation.

So, instead of driving around in the car, we are going to show you the easiest way to access your home PC remotely. At the same time, it is worth mentioning that this is something that we can do from the tablet itself or the mobile phone that we have taken on vacation, all through a free program.

Access your home PC remotely this summer

It is quite likely that for many of you who need to access your home desktop computer occasionally this summer, you will find this software solution more than interesting. Here the only requirement that we are going to need is that we will have to leave the equipment on. Of course, the screen does not need to remain in operation.

Specifically, we are referring to the free application called TeamViewer that you have the opportunity to download from this link. Thus, all you have to do is download and install this program, especially focused on remote control, on your home computer. Once we put it into operation, in the main interface we find the identifier of our PC, as well as the access password.

teamviewer interface

We only have to save these two data, which are what will allow us to access our computer remotely wherever we are. Next we install the mobile version on our phone or tablet from here. It is worth mentioning that we find this app in the official Android and iOS stores.

Finally, we just have to start the application, enter the access data to our computer and be able to use it hundreds or thousands of kilometers away.

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