This Word feature lets you automatically replace words

This Word feature lets you automatically replace words

No one can deny that Word is the best application to create any type of document. Not only does it offer a large number of functions, but it also integrates seamlessly with the rest of the applications that are part of Office. Although it is true that in the market we can find interesting free alternatives such as LibreOffice or Google’s online solution, they still have a long way to go to be a real alternative, at least for the most demanding users.

If we want to get the most out of it, we can do one of the different Word courses available both for free and for a fee. One of the best features that Word puts at our disposal, and that is also available in Excel and PowerPoint, is the ability to search for text or words and replace them. Thanks to this function, when we want to replace a specific word that we have misspelled because it is a trade name, has a misspelling or grammar, we want to use a synonym in some of them, it is not necessary to visually search for the words, we can use of the Find and Replace function in Word.

How to Replace Words in Word

Word’s search function allows us to search for words or entire phrases in a document. All the words that match the text that we have entered will be highlighted in yellow and on the left side of the document, the total number of results will be shown along with the corresponding links to the paragraphs where the word is found. Along with the Find option, we also have the Replace option. Both options are on the Home ribbon on the right side.

Replace words Word

When clicking on the Replace option, a text box will be displayed where we must enter the term or text that we want to search for and, then, in the Replace with box, we must enter the word or text with which we want to replace the original word. By clicking on the More button, we will be able to specify other options that can be useful when searching and replacing text, such as, for example, matching uppercase and lowercase letters, only whole words, omit punctuation and blank spaces between others.

Replace words Word

Once we have established the search options, as long as we consider that it is necessary since it is not mandatory, we click on Replace all if we are clear that the word that we are going to replace is misspelled and we must modify it. However, it is likely that we do not want to modify all words, but only certain words based on their location in the text. To replace the words in a document one by one, click on Find Next.

At that moment, Word will show us the location of the word in the text, which will allow us to know, within a context, if it is necessary to replace it or we can leave it as it is. If we want to replace it, we just have to click on the Replace button. This search and replace option in Word also allows us to replace the format of an entire document, that is, change the font, paragraph, tabs, style and others.

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