Vodafone continues with the 3G shutdown and these are the next cities that will be left without coverage


Vodafone’s 3G continues with its shutdown phases. Although it began at the end of 2022, and without being under the control of Zegona, the new red operator continues with the different processes to permanently shut down this mobile connection in our country. And if you compare the 3G coverage map that this operator had a few months ago with the one it now presents on its website, you can see how the evolution has been.

By mid-August, it was already clear that the red operator was accelerating the total shutdown of 3G coverage. There are fewer and fewer areas of Spain where this mobile connection can be enjoyed, in coastal areas, large cities and also in the Canary Islands and Balearic Islands. These are areas where it is maintained, but in the coming weeks, it is certain that this type of coverage will also be removed.

Vodafone’s abandonment of 3G

One of the objectives behind the shutdown of this mobile coverage by the red operator is energy saving. With this plan, according to the data provided by Vodafone, the company will be able to save a total of 65 GWh when the disconnection of this mobile network is completed. It is true that it will not be the total, since part will go to 2G, but it will end up having a saving of 52 GWh. For this reason, the final phase of its plan to completely abandon this coverage has already begun.

Vodafone mobile coverage

The definitive end of this coverage is just around the corner. Even though it was intended to end this connection at the end of 2023, the various problems due to the lack of support for VoLTE calls at Lowi made the process difficult. So it had to be delayed. Now, this has been solved and it is closer than ever to becoming a reality.

The shutdown for September and October

During the month of September, these are the following municipalities and even provinces that will be left without Vodafone 3G: Las Palmas (province), Badajoz, Vigo, Guadalajara, San Sebastián, Palma de Mallorca and Tenerife (province). So during these weeks of September, these are the places where the lack of this mobile connection from the Zegona brand will be noticed.

However, it will be from 1 October when the country’s major cities and capitals will begin to notice the effects of the abandonment of this third-generation network. Therefore, it will be switched off in Madrid (province), Seville, Tenerife (capital), Barcelona (province), Vizcaya, Valencia (capital), A Coruña (capital), Santander, Las Palmas (capital), Madrid (capital) and Barcelona (capital).

Vodafone 3G map

It is therefore clear that the process in many areas will begin in the province and, subsequently, the definitive shutdown will begin in the capital of said province. That is why, for example, it begins in the provinces of Madrid or Barcelona until reaching the capital. So, before the end of 2024, the coverage map of the red operator will change, and a lot.

Vodafone, thanks to its 4G network, will seamlessly provide mobile services to its customers. Specifically, it reaches more than 99.6% of the population, including high-definition voice calls and Internet connection while talking. Not to mention that its 5G network “is expected to reach more than 82% of the population and 2,700 municipalities by the end of this year.” In addition, from your coverage map You can quickly check the operator’s available coverage.

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