Why hire Digi, if O2 has the best 5G coverage of Movistar


Even though O2 is Movistar’s second brand in Spain, there is an operator that is very popular. We are referring to Digi, which has undoubtedly entered the select club of large telecos. Not only because of the idea of ​​setting up its own mobile network, but because of the large number of clients that it adds every month. But what are the reasons to hire Digi?

There are several aspects why users hire this operator, including low prices. Something that without a doubt is the key to Digi. However, it also has another series of advantages, such as the clear example of having Movistar coverage, for fiber and mobile, or even marketing its own fiber in our country. In any case, if you are still not sure, here you can find what you need to clear up your doubts.

What does Digi have to like so much?

Digi is one of the large operators that enjoys, and will do so for several more years, Movistar coverage. A plus that for many clients makes a difference. Not only when it comes to contracting fiber, but also having a mobile line. Now, coverage is not the key point that makes the difference when contracting one of this operator’s rates, the key is in its price.

This operator stands out for its low prices. For example, when contracting a fiber rate, if your home has its own coverage, you can contract 500 Mbps for just 15 euros, or up to 10 Gbps for 25 euros per month.

image of a smartphone with digi

And without going any further, the mobile rates are also among the cheapest with 5G coverage and unlimited calls: 15 GB for 7 euros, 30 GB for 10 euros, 100 GB for 13 euros and 200 GB for 16 euros. In addition, compared to O2, Digi has an unlimited rate for 20 euros per month.

It must be taken into account that among the advantages of this low-cost operator is the option of paying less for a mobile rate if it is combined with fiber. For example, the unlimited mobile rate costs 15 euros if combined with fiber. And not only this, but with this operator it allows you to accumulate gigabytes. So, as a summary, these are the points that Digi has to convince you:

  • Very cheap rates.
  • Movistar coverage in fiber and mobile, and cheaper own fiber coverage.
  • 5G mobile network.
  • You can add a landline with two different rates: price per minute or unlimited calls.
  • eSIM service.
  • Accumulated mobile gigs.

What does it lose to O2?

Even though Digi is ahead of O2 in different aspects, the truth is that Telefónica’s second brand also has different points with which it surpasses the Romanian operator. Therefore, before making a decision, you must be aware of the following points in which the low cost operator loses points:

  • Without 5G+: Movistar’s second operator already offers a mobile line with 5G+, the fastest connection of the Spanish operator.
  • They do not have a store for smartphones and other devices: another of the points that O2 has is that it allows the purchase of devices, such as smartphones, tablets or even computers.

o2 digi

  • With permanence: Digi provides 3 months of permanence to fiber customers, however, O2 follows the same line as Movistar in not providing permanence to users. And fiber installation remains equally free.
  • Customer service: one of the points that customers highlight is customer service as soon as O2 problems arise, an aspect in which the cheap operator is several steps below.
  • Without MultiSIM service: although the eSIM service has already been launched, Digi operator customers still do not have the MultiSIM option. On the other hand, at O2 you can have up to 3 different SIM or eSIM cards from the same line.

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