Another mysterious monolith has appeared and no one yet knows if they are of extraterrestrial origin or a publicity stunt

Another mysterious monolith has appeared and no one yet knows if they are of extraterrestrial origin or a publicity stunt

The mysterious monoliths have returned and the world is wondering where they come from and what is hidden behind them. The opinions of many experts are divided between several theories. And, among them, the one that points to an extraterrestrial origin is one of the most supported, although it is also believed that it could be a publicity stunt or some kind of artistic work. However, there are things that do not fit.

The last monolith that has been discovered has appeared in the Las Vegas desert, Nevada. Police were carrying out a search and rescue mission when they were shocked to come across this majestic metal monolith. As in the previous cases, there was no sign of its authorship, nor a trace of how it could have gotten to that place. In order to avoid problems and anticipating that it could disappear “by magic”, they have proceeded to withdraw it.

Is it an alien monolith?

There are many details that point to extraterrestrial origin. In any case, do not think that scientists are jumping headlong into this theory, since the issue of monoliths is something that, in general terms, is being left aside. However, there is no doubt that there are aspects that make us think about this. First of all is the magnitude of the structure, its perfect design and its mysterious appearance in places that are characterized by being areas that are not easily accessible to people.

One of the monoliths from the movie 2001 A Space Odyssey

There are many who think that these deserts in which the monoliths are placed have a lot to do with the places where extraterrestrial ships could be maneuvering in a way that would not raise suspicions. At the same time, we must talk about the relationship that these monoliths have with those that appear in 2001: A Space Odyssey, a film that has always captivated lovers of aliens and science fiction stories. Its design is not identical due to the color and type of structure, but there is a certain similarity that results in the relationship between the two types of monolith.

Some of the theories say that the monoliths could be some type of signal left by aliens or even technology that we do not know about. Reference is made to other structures that have appeared throughout the world historically for which we cannot give a fully verified explanation either. Many of these ideas, however, play with the desperate need of some people to confirm that there is extraterrestrial life somewhere. Of course, all of this escapes scientific understanding or explanation.

Are there different types of monolith?

Here the factor that would unbalance all types of explanations would come into play. Because yes, apparently there are different types of monolith. They all follow a similar design line, with a metal structure and similar appearance. However, among the different monoliths that have appeared over time since we saw the first one in 2020, some of them have had an explanation for their origin.

Thus, the third monolith that appeared was the work of some metal professionals who wanted to complete the trio of monoliths in Kubrick’s film. In other cases, there were monoliths that some people destroyed, while others were also the work of artists. This divides the monoliths into two groups with respect to their origin, known or not. And, at the same time, it also divides them into two other alternative groups: those of the explanation for their disappearance.

Because another thing to keep in mind about monoliths is that not all of them disappear in a way that can be verified. Although in some cases the authorities have acknowledged that they have taken care of their removal, other times they are simply said to “disappear.” Of course, they could have been dismantled by any curious person who wanted to have a souvenir of this viral and surreal movement that, it must be said, we thought had already passed away. There could be a thousand explanations unrelated to extraterrestrials, to the US government and to a thousand other things that, even though we are increasingly present in the search for life outside the planet, still sound like science fiction.

Scientists don’t talk about it

The almost romantic idea of ​​encountering extraterrestrial life clouds the judgment of many people and even of some scientists who, however, reserve their opinions for relaxed coffee chats. They know that they have to be careful about the point at which they divide science fiction from reality or from the most convincing scientific theory. We know that we are probably not alone in the universe, but it is unlikely that aliens are leaving monoliths on Earth for humanity to amuse itself by searching for their meaning.

Aside from this, there are many groups of artists who have taken a step forward to recognize the authorship of the monoliths. As we said, not all, but some. And they do it by maintaining the mystery, leaving a trail of breadcrumbs that helps us connect the dots or see, whatever we are interested in seeing. The way in which these artists play the game does not help to reach a conclusion either. But it is obvious, at least based on scientific concepts and the mere logic that science provides us, that there is very little possibility that these objects are of extraterrestrial origin.

For now, those of us who like science should be more concerned about what is discovered with space telescopes, with the trips that are being made more and more into space and with the future missions with which it is expected to colonize the Moon and Mars. At some point, sooner or later, we may very well come across some form of life. And, at that point, we could ask them about the monoliths, but they are unlikely to understand what we are talking about.

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