Patch now available to fix Windows 10 taskbar issue


Every time Microsoft releases a new update, it has previously gone through a beta phase to check that it works correctly and does not present any problems. However, the number of Windows Insider users is obviously not as large as the number of end users, so there is a chance that some operational problem may slip through and arrive in the final version.

A clear example of this can be found in the Windows 11 24H2 update that the company released in preview version a few weeks ago and that, due to the high number of performance problems it had, was forced to withdraw and, a few days later, with the problems already resolved, to put it back on devices in the Insider community.

Furthermore, this is not the first time that Microsoft has released a final update that does not sit well with all computers managed by Windows. The most recent case is, without cutting off the case mentioned above because it is not a final version, the Windows 10 update that Microsoft released a few months ago and that affected the operation of the taskbar on computers managed by both Windows 10 21H2 and Windows 10 22H2.

This problem occurred every time you right-clicked on an application on the taskbar. Instead of displaying app-related options, the “Open with” dialog box appeared. On June 20, 2 months after many users began reporting the error, the Redmond-based company finally recognized this problem and got to work.

How to solve the problem

Like any problem related to Windows performance, the solution can only come from Microsoft.

Fortunately for users who have been suffering from this problem for a couple of months, the Redmond-based company has finally released a patch that fixes the problem and is now available through Windows Update and can be found with the reference KB50339299.

Windows 10 taskbar problem solution patch

This update has not affected all devices managed by Windows equally, so it is not an update that is available to all users who still use Windows 10, but if it is not shown in the Windows Update section , will be available within the Optional Quality Update Available section.

In both cases, we must click on Download and install to solve this problem and restart the PC so that the patch does its job and solves this annoying problem that has caused so many headaches to thousands of users who have not yet updated to Windows 11.

End of Windows 10 support

There is just over a year left before Microsoft completely forgets about Windows 10 and stops releasing new updates, both to add features and to fix operating problems it may present. Only users who subscribe to extended support, which has a maximum duration of 3 years and is intended for companies, will continue to receive updates.

The deadline is set for October 14, 2025, more than enough time to start saving and buy a computer that is compatible with Windows 11, whether it be the new models with a Qualcomm ARM processor or any computer with an 8th or higher generation Intel processor, computers that have been on the market for several years and that we can find with interesting discounts.

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