The Hunger Games and other Lionsgate films will be used to train artificial intelligence


One of the big debates that has been generated by the training of artificial intelligence models is the issue of car rights or consent to transfer data. The startup Runway had a controversy at the time for having used videos published on YouTube. But they want to go down the right path and have just signed an agreement to use the films of Lions Gate Entertainment Corporate (Lionsgate).

Film production company Lionsgate has some great titles under its belt, including The Hunger Games saga, the latest Twilight series, La La Land and John Wick. After nearly three decades making films and television shows, it has a huge repertoire to which Runway will have access for AI development.

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Today we are excited to announce that we have entered into a first-of-its-kind partnership with @Lionsgate to bring our next generation of storytelling tools into the hands of the world’s greatest storytellers.

Learn more:

RunwayNews | Runway Partners with Lionsgate

September 18, 2024 • 15:06



How will you use the AI ​​you train on Lionsgate films?

Lionsgate’s press release announcing its partnership with Runway explains that the partnership will serve to create a new model for personalized video generation. The goal of the partnership will be to help “filmmakers, directors and other creative talents improve their work.”

According to Michael Burns, vice president of Lionsgate, the collaboration between the production company and the AI ​​startup will provide “capital-saving content creation opportunities” to the studio. He assures that technology is an ally for cinema and that it is “a great tool to augment, improve and complement our current operations.” According to him, there are already several filmmakers “excited about its potential applications.” [de la IA] in their pre-production and post-production processes.”

Runway co-founder and CEO Cristóbal Valenzuela agrees with Burns. He says that the use of Lionsgate films will serve to support filmmakers so they can easily find “new ways to bring their stories to life.”

Broadly speaking, training an AI on Lionsgate’s already produced films will help reduce costs in future productions. The production company is known for having smaller budgets compared to other companies in the sector, so it is possible that the agreement was signed with the intention of spending even less on its feature films.

At this time, there are not many details about the agreement signed between Lionsgate and Runway. Therefore, it is not known whether the creative teams of the films used to train the artificial intelligence will receive any kind of compensation.

lionsgate movies artificial intelligence

Not everyone is in favor of AI coming to the film industry

Lionsgate is not the first studio to invest in the development of artificial intelligence. Sooner or later, AI will be a reality in cinemas, and this is something that worries many workers in the film industry. The use of this technology without restrictions could mean the end of the careers of several professionals, and that is not seen in a good light.

In fact, last year we had the SAG-AFTRA strike, which was against several studios’ idea of ​​using AI replicas of supporting actors, among other things. In the wake of the protests, California Governor Gavin Newsom signed two bills that will give artists and their heirs more control over how and when production companies can use their digitally created images.

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