Apple is afraid of competing with Google and will not create its own search engine


What would lead Apple to consider developing a search engine to compete with Google Search? It would be crazy! Now, according to what is said in high places, one of Apple’s main executives is going to admit in court that they have no intention of creating Apple Search. What is the reason for deciding not to embark on this type of project?

Eddy Cue, vice president of Apple Services, is called to testify in the antitrust trial that Google is contesting against the United States. In his appearance, the executive seems to definitively acknowledge that his company is not working on a Google competitor and that they do not even have any intention of doing so in the future.

It is the best for users

What Apple argues about this decision is that it is what is best for users. However, it is logical that there are critical voices that affirm that the reason has to be something else different in view of the history of the apple company. If they do not create their own search engine in these current times it is because they possibly do not have any confidence that they can defeat Google. The fear of failure and of the brand’s identity being altered by a resounding defeat would make it more comfortable to limit themselves to continuing to collaborate with Google as they have been doing for years.

After all, who can blame them? Google has immense power and its search engine has become the main search engine for millions and millions of users around the world. Even with Apple’s capacity and power of attraction, it would be difficult for their tool to have the global relevance they would like to have.

Apple surrenders to Google

As much as the relationship between Apple and Google has been terrible in the mobile market, at a global level they maintain their forms. And, on the other hand, it is obvious that the Apple of 2023 is not, by any means, that competitive company that bit hard when Steve Jobs was in charge. The apple company bows to Google with the recognition that its search engine is the best and that, therefore, there is no reason to create a different one. In 2018, Tim Cook already said “I think your search engine is the best.” And it is said that Eddy Cue could say something like “there is no reason to create another search engine, because Google already exists.”

For Apple, using Google is a matter of logic. They would arrive very late to the search engine party and would lack muscle to be able to achieve a decent market share. At the same time, after the contract that Cue signed with Google, the apple company is pocketing 19 billion dollars a year from the coffers of its rival. Therefore, there are many reasons to leave things as they are and simply leave the way clear for Google to continue succeeding in searches from the iPhone.

Eddy Cue will not be the only Apple executive to testify in this antitrust trial that Google has on its hands, so perhaps we will discover other interesting information about the company. But what is clear is that there will be no Apple search engine in the future. This is in contrast to the rumors that were heard a long time ago, since, years ago, it does seem that it was a real project.

However, the wind began to blow in another direction and in the end the idea was scrapped. It cannot be said that it is something negative, since Apple, as we said, would have had a very difficult time. Now we will have to see how Google ends up going through this trial that includes so many witnesses that it will last more than two months.

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