New speed record transmitting and receiving data over 6G


The leading companies in the telecommunications market continue to test and fine-tune 6G technology with the intention of taking its capacity further and further. If almost a year ago an important achievement was recorded in this regard, now from South Korea they have once again achieved a milestone in data transmission and reception through the network of the future.

Until now, tests had already been carried out, but their main drawback was that they were carried out covering too small distances. 6G networks are still in development and require a maturation process, which is why companies like LG are advancing little by little. In this case, the South Korean manufacturer announces that they have exceeded the distance limits a little further: up to 500 meters.

6G and THz transmission

As it has already demonstrated on other occasions in recent years, LG Electronics wants to be the company that leads the development of the 6G network. To do this, they are doing their best. The test they talk about in the press release they just published took place this month. They wanted to overcome the limits that had been reached so far with 6G within outdoor and urban areas. And nothing has gone wrong!

To carry out this test they had the support of the mobile operator LG U+, which has obviously enjoyed a significant media boost thanks to the news. The place they chose to carry out the test was the Magok Sciencepark, in the capital, Seoul. The improvement compared to the record they reached in 2022 is notable, since they have gone from a distance of 320 meters to one of 500 meters. They once again used the technology they previously developed in collaboration with the German Fraunhofer Heinrich-Hertz institute, which has led to an improvement in speed and results by over 50%.

A historic moment for LG

As the company has detailed in its statement, we should not simply stop at the idea of ​​the improvement they have made in terms of distance. They say that having reached the 500 meter standard is a way of confirming the viability of this type of network applied to a professional environment. This places them, as they themselves acknowledge, closer to being able to market 6G THz communications, an objective that they are expected to achieve within a few years.

But there is no need to be in a hurry. The plan is for the industry to start talking about 6G networks in 2025 with the mission of having this service in circulation in 2029. These years that are still on the horizon will help LG continue to advance in the improvement of its use and that it can be the type of network that helps society enter a new era.

That is exactly what they are looking for in LG and what they are concentrating all their energies on. They believe that the 6G network will allow autonomous driving to become a complete reality throughout the world, that factories can adopt more technological work processes and that homes can finally be smart and not just have simple home automation tools like smart light bulbs.

To achieve the significance they are achieving in the development of 6G technology, what LG is doing is collaborating with all possible universities and with different researchers who help them make steady progress. For now, its efforts are having results, given that the brand is known for its presence in the Next G Alliance as the only South Korean company in this group dedicated to wireless technology.

Based on this, they have adopted the responsibility of continuing to work on improving 6G and discovering everything that can help make this type of network available in the shortest possible time. Possibly, when we start using 6G networks in 2029, we owe a lot to the investment that LG is making.

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