Home Cars & Motorcycles Cars E-Rex Innengine, why going back to the engines of a time is...

E-Rex Innengine, why going back to the engines of a time is a revolution


More powerful and smaller than current engines

Juan Garrido Requena is an engineer from Granada who presented an interesting career project a decade ago. It was a highly efficient engine that, to this day, continues to advance ready to revolutionize the automotive industry under the name E-REX Innengine.

His idea was to manufacture a combustion engine, which gave rise to the creation of a company, Innengine, which in 2012 manufactured the first prototype. Almost 10 years later, this alternative engine was mounted for the first time in a vehicle (a Mazda MX-5) and a plane.

In both cases, the Innegine engine proved to work perfectly, so Requena and his team have continued to advance and are currently working on the development of a pre-production model, as well as the filing of the patent.

E-Rex Inn Engine

The E-Rex Innengine engine works differently than conventional diesel or gasoline.

Innengine states that it is a one-stroke engine, “because it generates four times more combustion per revolution than a four-stroke engine and twice as much as a two-stroke engine.”

E-Rex innegine

The goal, therefore, is that Innengine’s E-Rex opposed piston engine from Granada can replace conventional four-stroke engines because, according to its creators, “it reduces consumption and emissions compared to any modern four-stroke engine and it is four times more powerful and compact than these”.

In addition, lacking some elements that are present in current combustion engines, such as the crankshaft, valves, camshaft or cylinder head, this innovative engine is 55% smaller and 70% lighter than current four-stroke combustion engines.

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