It’s not a scam: this is the letter you should receive from your bank this January, according to the Bank of Spain


The arrival of the new year is also the time when we must receive some communications from different services that we enjoy the rest of the year. In this case, it is our banking entity, which has to send us very important information related to our checking accounts and the products we have contracted.

Banking entities are obliged to report annually to its clients of everything that is related to their bank accounts or contracted products. In most cases, this information should arrive via regular mail. However, in the event that we have expressly renounced this option, communication is also valid. through telematic means, as is the case of the specific mailboxes for this that most banks have with their clients or through our mobile application. In all cases, it is advisable to be attentive when receiving them.

The Bank of Spain states on its website that “These communications are personal and you will receive them individually, even if you are co-owner of any banking product. In this case, the total number of co-owners will be indicated, each one (…) will receive their own communication”.

person with a cell phone

Legal imperative

If we go to the Order EHA/289/2011, of October 28we see how article 8.4 states that “Credit institutions will send their clients annually, during the month of January of each year, a communication in which, in a complete and detailed manner, the information provided for in this order on commissions and expenses accrued and interest rates actually applied is collected. to each banking service provided to the client during the previous year”.

Therefore, this notification will detail any information related to the products that we have contracted with our entity. in which they will appear “the interest collected and paid, commissions and fees accrued for each banking service provided during the previous year“, states the Bank of Spain on its website.

Furthermore, if we only have bank accounts with the entity in question, the bank must offer us information regarding the status of commissions for each of the accounts. We will also be informed of the interest rate, both credit and overdraft. Just like him actual amount of interest accrued over the past 12 months.

Changes to bank accounts

He Bank of Spain It also states on its website that our bank can change the conditions of our current account at any time. Although, to do so, you must inform us with two months in advance at least from the entry into force of said changes.

However, this communication must be carried out in parallel to any other, preventing it from “unnoticed”. That is, it cannot be done at the same time as the letters we have referred to in this article. Furthermore, as was the case in the previous case, it must be done on paper or through the telematic means that we have agreed to use with our entity. In conclusion, it is important to remember that whenever our bank chooses to communicate with us through any telematic means, it must accompany said message with an SMS or an email in which it will inform us that we have a notification pending reading in our mailbox. .

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