Home Cars & Motorcycles Cars Lucid follows in the footsteps of Tesla and applies a juicy discount...

Lucid follows in the footsteps of Tesla and applies a juicy discount on its cars


The American company applies a discount of $7,500 on the Lucid Air, if the purchase of the vehicle is financed through the Lucid Financial Services program.

In recent weeks we have learned of Tesla’s decision to lower the price of its electric cars. Now, Lucid follows in the footsteps of Elon Musk and applies a discount of 7,500 dollars in the United States.

Shopping for a Lucid Air just got a little easier. The American company applies a juicy discount if the purchase of the vehicle is financed through the Lucid Financial Services program. This decision comes after Tesla lowered the price of its models.

Paradoxically, less than a year ago, Lucid considerably increased the prices of its electric sedan, between 10,000 and 15,000 dollars, depending on the finish, justifying itself in the difficulties in the supply chain.

This is the real reason why Tesla has lowered the prices of its cars in Spain

Lucid follows in the footsteps of Tesla and applies a discount of 7,500 dollars

Lucid follows in the footsteps of Tesla and applies a discount

On January 13, Tesla announced a significant price reduction for its models for the United States and Europe. In Spain, for example, the Tesla Model 3 and Tesla Model Y now cost 44,990 euros and 46,990 euros, respectively, which allows their buyers to take advantage of the MOVES III Plan.

Previously, the Elon Musk brand had already announced a price drop in China. Now it is Lucis who follows the same steps and applies a discount of 7,500 dollars, 6,895 euros, in the Lucid Air.

In a message posted on Lucid-Forum, the company wrote: “Starting now, customers who purchase any Lucid Air through Lucid Financial Services will receive an automatic savings of $7,500. With this savings, customers get a monthly payment lower for your new Lucid Air.”

An bleak outlook

Lucid follows in the footsteps of Tesla and applies a discount

Lucid is applying discounts since the end of last year. According to Reuters, the company’s intention is to take advantage of its high profit margins to reduce the price of the vehicle below what its direct competitors could do and in the face of slowdown in demand, due to an impending recession.

In early December, Lucid contacted customers who had reserved an Air, but had not placed the order, to offer them the price prior to the increase. Lucid workers, for their part, were then offered a discount of up to $18,000.

On the other hand, the US manufacturer has created the ‘Available Now’ page where it has introduced the discounted version of the Lucid Air and is harassing customers who canceled their order with calls (14 times) to save sales.

The decision to apply so many discounts does not invite us to think about a strong demand for electric cars today.

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