Home Cars & Motorcycles Cars Six smells that reveal that your car has a breakdown

Six smells that reveal that your car has a breakdown


Six smells that reveal that your car has a breakdown

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Just like the color of the smoke that comes out of the exhaust pipe, the smell inside the car can reveal that there is something wrong with it.

1. Musty smell

When the climate control or air conditioning gives off a musty smell, it is usually due to a blockage in the drainage system.

This problem can also occur if the evaporator loses the hydrophilic coating layer, which prevents bacteria from forming inside the part.

2. Rotten egg smell

The smell of rotten odor, in addition to being very unpleasant, can be an indication that there is a problem in the catalytic converter.

This piece, which contains precious metals inside and has become a highly coveted accessory for thieves, suffers over the years and the high temperatures it has to withstand (over 600ºC). This is what causes oxidation and reduces the ability to reduce exhaust gases.

3. Burnt carpet smell

Normally this smell has to do with the clutch and its wear. The smell derives from the material that engages the same clutch with the flywheel, since, if you go at a high speed, the temperature increases and it smells like burnt rubber.

It is also common when the brakes overheat due to not using them correctly.

Vantage Brakes

4. Smell of gasoline

When when entering the interior of the car you smell gasoline, it is usual to think that it is a fuel leak; but the reality is that it is most possible that it is a simple filtration of the vapor that emanates from the fuel.

This may be due to the fact that the cover that gives access to the gauge (fuel level indicator, which is usually placed under the rear seats or in the trunk) has deteriorated and does not fit properly. As it is not well sealed, the aroma of gasoline penetrates the interior of the car.

5. Oil smell

The aroma of oil is difficult to perceive; when it appears to be due to a gearbox problem. The reason: it is this element where a type of oil with a higher degree of viscosity than that of the engine is used and has a much more intense smell.

There is another possibility: if there is a smell of burning oil inside the passenger compartment, it will be that there is a problem in the segments or in the valve guide and that oil is burning in the combustion chamber.

Oil and filter change

6. Smell of caramel

Experts say that a caramel aroma (similar to the aroma of burnt honey) inside the car can indicate that there is a coolant leak.

The odor is produced by ethylene glycol, an additive added to coolants. When a leak occurs, the liquid enters through the heating radiator, so we will notice a sweet smell in the passenger compartment.

Source: Euroworkshop

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