The Government postpones the increase in taxes on diesel and gasoline


At this point there are no longer any doubts about the Government’s plans in relation to fuel taxes. The rise in the tax on diesel -with the elimination of its bonus with respect to gasoline- is a measure that was stopped in the 2020 General Budgets, which the Government managed to incorporate into the 2021 General State Budgets and which was finally to launch this 2022. But, there has been a change of plans.

Now the details of the report on an ambitious tax reform that the Minister of Finance, María Jesús Montero, commissioned from a committee of experts have been known and that will have a strong impact on fuel prices, currently with historical maximum prices. Here we tell you which are the cheapest gas stations in Spain.

The Government is preparing an ambitious tax reform that will affect fuels.

In this sense, the report, entitled White Paper of the Committee of Experts for the Reform of the Tax System, proposes two measures that will allow the collection of up to 6,850 million euros. On the one hand, equalize the taxation of diesel and automotive gasoline, which means that the discount that diesel or gas oil currently has will be eliminated. And on the other hand, it includes a review of the taxation of hydrocarbons that will mean a significant increase in the tax rate that will be applied especially to natural gas and automotive fuels.

They will come into force in the “medium term”

The Ministry of Finance intended to apply these measures imminently, but the international situation caused by the invasion of Ukraine has forced María Jesús Montero to postpone its implementation until “the medium term”. When this situation normalizes, the Government will begin to apply the measures it deems out of a total of 118 that not only affect fuels, but also Value Added Tax (VAT), Wealth, Inheritance and Donations tax, taxes on banknotes airplane or nitrogen fertilizers, among others.

Undoubtedly, carriers will be the ones whose pockets are most affected not only by this rise in fuel, but also because another measure is included that has to do with the payment of taxes for using certain infrastructures and with which the State could collect up to €1.4 billion. According to the report: “Such taxes should take the form of payments related to the distance traveled through electronic devices, which currently exist in many EU states for both light and heavy vehicles.”

Gasoline and diesel prices are currently at record highs.

It is one more blow to the middle and working class who will see their purchasing power reduced with more taxes, without forgetting that the implementation of the payment for the use of the highways, initially announced for 2024, is pending.

In this link we explain all the taxes that are paid for buying and using a new car and a used car.

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