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The Local Police of Pamplona arrest a man for driving without a license and under the influence of drugs


The Local Police of Pamplona arrest a man for driving without a license and under the influence of drugs

The Pamplona Local Police have arrested a man who was driving without a license and under the influence of drugs.

As published by the police force on its official Twitter account, the events were recorded last Tuesday during a preventive alcohol and drug control (one of the four reasons why the Civil Guard Traffic officers can test you ).

At the wheel of one of the cars he stopped was a 42-year-old man. When requesting the documentation, the agents discovered that he was driving without a driver’s license because he had never obtained it.

Subjected to drug tests, the driver tested positive for cocaine. In addition, the agents seized other quantities of drugs that he was carrying inside the vehicle.

Driving under the influence of drugs can entail a financial fine of up to 1,000 euros and entails the loss of six points from the driving license (if you had one).

For those who drive without having obtained the necessary permit, the Penal Code establishes prison sentences of three to six months, or a fine of twelve to twenty-four months, or work for the benefit of the community of thirty-one to ninety days.

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a busy tuesday

During the same day on Tuesday, the agents of the Pamplona Local Police in charge of preventive control identified three other drivers with a positive result in the alcohol test.

For them, the amount of the penalty will depend on the final result of the ethylometer. The fine for driving under the influence of alcohol ranges from €1,000 to €1,000. If a rate of 0.61 mg/liter is exceeded, the infraction becomes a crime and can lead to prison sentences.

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