The notice from the Bank of Spain about the limit of your card to prevent fraud


We increasingly have a greater amount of information regarding scam attempts and possible frauds to which we are exposed in the digital sphere. But, despite this, the Bank of Spain warns that it is not advisable to let our guard down and gives us a series of advice. Among them, making correct use of our cards.

The data demonstrate, as the Bank of Spain states, that despite all the information we currently have access to regarding fraud and scam attempts, we are still very exposed to these situations. In many cases, despite the warnings, we fall into them. In many cases, it is not due to a lack of information or awareness. Rather, the reason is our lack of attention. Which helps cybercriminals access our data and infect our devices to steal our personal data.

wallet with several cards

Monitor your card limit

One of the main notices issued by the Bank of Spain in this regard has to do with the limits of our debit and credit cards. Although in both cases, opting for a high limit allows us to enjoy greater comfort when making any type of payment, the reality is that it is not the best decision if we focus only on the security aspect. The bank recommends that “the drawdown and credit limits of your cards are not high.”

Also, remember that the limits are daily and can be modified very easily. Usually through the app or from the internet. So we will not have any problem when it comes to modifying them to adapt them to any scenario that we have to face.

Furthermore, in the event that we are accustomed to make payments over the internet, We must consider the option of contracting a prepaid card. With it, we will limit the possibility of our debit or credit card being involved in any situation in which we are at risk of fraud.

The balance of the account

The Bank of Spain not only warns about the dangers of having too high limits on our credit card. We must also pay attention to the available balance in our account. If we maintain a total balance adjusted to our needs that may arise on a daily basis, but keep savings in another account, we will also reduce the level of risk to which we are exposed.

Also, another tip has to do with overdrafts. If we disable our account from being overdrawn, we will eliminate the possibility that if our card is stolen they can continue purchasing with our data once we run out of balance.

Finally, it points out a series of recommendations that are important to preserve our security. Among them, for example, avoiding access the bank’s website through a search engine. It is better to use the official application. In addition to always protecting our mobile phone with a password or with our biometric data or frequently changing the access codes to minimize the risk of them being leaked and being able to access our accounts.

In case of doubt regarding any suspicious movement in our accounts or cards, it is always recommended that let’s go to our entity and, if in doubt, block all our cards to avoid unauthorized consumption.

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