These are the initial settings you need to make to browse Tor safely for the first time.


The Tor browser is a must on the computer of anyone interested in browsing the deep web, either to better protect their privacy or to find content not available on the surface network. However, the program can be a little intimidating at first, especially considering that browsing the deep Internet carries risks and we do not want to be vulnerable to hackers.

It is good to want to make sure that the browser is configured correctly even if we do not intend to enter any illegal sites or sites with dubious content. The truth is that entering the deep web is quite normal, since the deep web is not, despite the topic generated, a dark or dangerous place in itself, but simply the part of the Internet that is not indexed by search engines like Google. or Bing, where there may be interesting and legitimate content.

In reality, it is the ‘dark web’ which, under anonymity, hides all types of illegal platforms and criminal content. As long as we do not enter pages of its orbit, there is no reason to think that something bad has to happen. However, since we are not used to using the Internet outside the Google or Yahoo ecosystems, for example, it is normal to feel some respect for the users and servers that live outside, like the ocean beyond the buoy.

Tor Browser

That is why we present below the specific steps you should follow when downloading Tor, to make sure you have everything ready and ready to dive into the Onion network with protection. These tips also come from the antivirus company ESET, so they are guidelines prepared by experts.

  • Download the latest version of the browser: it is important to use the most updated version, which we will always obtain from the Official site.
  • Configure the circuit: by circuit we are talking about the succession of nodes in different parts of the world through which the connection passes. It is this network of nodes that guarantees anonymity on the network. To understand more about this and make some adjustments, watch the ESET video below on the protection node or gatekeeper (the first node) to learn about this important aspect.
  • Within Settings, make sure that the automatic update option is activated.
  • Use the browser in Spanish or English, since these two languages ​​do not imply risks of being tracked.
  • Activate “Permanent private browsing mode”: You can select the box by going to Privacy and Security > History > “Permanent private browsing mode”.
  • Disable location and other permissions for all websites: Instead, it is better to grant permissions individually to the specific websites that we visit and trust. You can adjust this in the Privacy and Security section.
  • Use “safer” mode: Under Privacy & Security, activate this mode to prevent the browser from automatically executing certain JavaScripts, some fonts and symbols, and the automatic execution of audio, video, and other multimedia files.
  • Finally, we can enter Bridges to activate one in case we need it because we are connected to a censored network, or configure a proxy in the Advanced section if necessary, in case we are using a firewall, for example.

Ready, these are the essential tips conveyed by the ESET experts. Don’t forget to watch the video shown above.

Browse safe websites

Even though we take the necessary precautions by activating the previous settings, we must not forget that security also involves not visiting fraudulent or malicious websites. You don’t want to be upset by finding content that you had no intention of seeing. As suggestions, we present some safe websites, indexes or search engines with which you can take your first steps in the deep web:

  • Onion List
  • Duck Duck Go
  • Hidden Wiki
  • Onion Chan
  • Hidden Answers
  • Not Evil
  • torch

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