Unity 6: The most powerful game development engine already has a release date


When we talk about Unity, we are actually referring to one of the most well-known and widely used game development engines in the world. Its use is widespread both among large companies and among smaller developers who are just starting out in this software sector.

Over the years, it has become one of the most important engines for creating video games. However, lately, this is a platform that has been surrounded by controversy that has not done it any good. Until recently, only developers who earned the most money from their projects, specifically from a million dollars onwards, paid to use Unity.

But the company suddenly decided to change its usage policy, which apparently was not a good decision. To summarise, the change was based on the fact that for a few months now, developers have been paying a fee for each installation of their games. As expected, many of the platform’s regular users cried foul. It is clear that the biggest losers were the small developers of these leisure titles.

It is always better to use platforms like Unity and everything they offer for free. For many, this important change could eventually mean the end of the video game development platform.

unit prices

The company’s top management appears to have decided to change its stance after some thought.

What’s new in Unity 6

In fact, the release date for the new version of Unity has just been announced at the annual developer conference, Unite. They claim that with Unity 6, developers will be able to create more advanced and attractive games of their own, as well as being able to reach more people on all kinds of platforms. The official release date for the new version has now been made public.

The company has just confirmed that Unity 6 will be released globally on October 17, 2024. We are told that it will be the most stable and highest-performing version to date. Thus, Unity 6 will offer customizable graphics rendering to have greater control over the visual effects of new games.

And that’s not all, as they want to highlight a simplified development of multiplayer video games, all with the aim of improving the entire game development life cycle. Also and in parallel, in the new version we will have optimized tools for web browsers.

In order to increase reliability and stability, it is worth noting that Unity 6 will receive more frequent updates with new features, performance improvements and bug fixes. For these patches, the company will rely on feedback from developers.

At the same time, it is also important to know that the first update of this version, Unity 6.1, will be released in April 2025. It will be based on the basic capabilities of Unity 6 but with new features. It will include new features such as support for foldable and larger screen formats, among many other things.

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