Movistar celebrates the arrival of summer by multiplying the gigabytes by four in its prepaid rates for free

Movistar celebrates the arrival of summer by multiplying the gigabytes by four in its prepaid rates for free

Aware that summer is the time when users consume a greater amount of data, Movistar has decided to multiply the gigabytes of all users who have Prepaid Total, Prepaid Premium or Prepaid Plus until next September 30. We tell you all the details.

Movistar wants to celebrate the arrival of summer in a big way. And it does so by offering its prepaid plan customers an improvement in all their rates. From now on, until next September 30, all users of Total Prepaid, Premium Prepaid or Prepaid Plus You will see how the gigabytes available in your rate multiply by four each month.

The blue operator has decided to activate this promotion during the summer months, which is when users usually make a increased use of our mobile device and, therefore, we increase our data consumption exponentially. Typical summer trips or visits to second homes where we do not have a WiFi network to connect to are some of the most common scenarios. And, now, we will not have to worry about anything if we are prepaid users of the company.

To all clients

Movistar has informed that the promotion will be activated both for new customers to carry out a portability to the company during the coming months, like all those who have already contracted any of the rates that we have mentioned. In addition, the activation of the promotion is done automatically on all lines and has no additional cost, so users will not have to contact the operator to enable this promotion. In fact, it is currently available on its website, as we can see in the following image.

image of the new Movistar rates

Users who have the rate Total prepaid, from now on you will enjoy 140 GB with data at 5G+ speed. Plus unlimited calls included. In the case of the rate Premium Prepaidthis goes beyond the usual 20 Gb until reaching 80 GB during the summer months. While the rate Prepaid Plus goes up from 10 Gb to reaching 40 Gb with 5G+ speed.

Also abroad

Movistar also includes roaming in the three mentioned rates. Depending on the one we have contracted, we will have at our disposal a number of gigabytes included to be able to consume in those countries that are part of Zone 1, which includes the 28 countries of the European UnionUnited Kingdom, Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein, as if we were in Spain.

In the case of the Prepaid Plus rate, 6Gb included for browsing abroad. If you have the Premium Prepaid rate, the number of gigabytes amounts to 8. While if you are a customer of the Total Prepaid rate, the number of gigabytes at your disposal will be 11.

Versatility is one of the main hallmarks of Movistar’s prepaid rates, which can be useful both for the little ones when they go camping this summer or buy their first mobile phone, and for all those who are going to visit a country. abroad and do not want to have unnecessary scares on their mobile bill, thanks to the fact that roaming is included for free.

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