This is how the Proton VPN anti-censorship system works and now you can use it more


In certain countries, browsing the Internet can be a problem. There may be censorship and that means you won’t be able to access certain pages and use some services or platforms. In this article, we’re going to talk about Proton VPN’s anti-censorship system. We’re going to explain what it is and tell you about its expansion, as it’s now available for you to use in more countries.

Beyond being a functional VPN, which is interesting for browsing the Internet on public networks, it is also a service that will be interesting for bypassing online censorship. If you are going to travel this summer to countries where there are Internet restrictions, you can take advantage of it and avoid problems.

Proton VPN anti-censorship system

Proton is a well-known brand when it comes to Internet privacy. It has an email service, but also others such as the VPN. It has advanced features designed to avoid online censorship. One of them is known as an alternative route, which consists of accessing this service when connections to the servers are blocked. Basically, what it does is route the connection through third-party services.

It also has another function called Smart Protocol. In this case, it will allow you to connect the device to Proton VPN, even if any of the VPN protocols or standard ports are blocked in that country. Simply switch to other VPN protocols to avoid censorship when browsing.

Over time, they have been perfecting their characteristics to go unnoticed in countries where there is censorship. The objective is none other than to allow users to connect to the Internet, through their VPN, without being detected by the country in which they are located and thus avoid being left without access to the network.

Anti-censorship system in Proton VPN

Available in more countries

This Proton VPN anti-censorship system that we have mentioned is available in numerous countries. Now they add five more nations: Syria, Jordan, Tunisia, Uzbekistan and Brazil. In these countries, you can now combat censorship if you use its program and it is now available in a total of 21 around the world.

But what is the reason for including these countries? According to Proton, elections have recently been held in all of these countries or will be held in the coming months. What they are looking for is that there is total freedom on the Internet and that there is no censorship of certain media or blocks to access certain platforms.

Another novelty is that Proton VPN now allows you to log in without credentials on Android devices. In this way, they allow users in countries where there may be censorship to access their service without having to create an account and thus have one more tool to alleviate possible censorship.

This possibility that we mentioned will be available for free servers. If you want to access the paid ones, then it will be necessary to create an account. They assure that this step is part of their long-term commitment to achieve a freer and more accessible Internet for all. Keep in mind that you can get blocked when using VPN, but if you use a quality service this is less likely to happen.

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