Firefox will add support for ChatGPT directly in the browser


The market has insisted on following a trend in which if an application, device or operating system does not include the term AI, it is useless, it is outdated. Many device developers and manufacturers fill their mouths with these terms, even though their products do not actually include any functions related to AI.

If we are looking for a browser that includes native support for AI from OpenAI, we have to talk about Edge, Microsoft’s native browser included in both Windows 10 and Windows 11 since Google continues to think about the issue without moving forward with Chrome, despite have your own AI.

For its part, the Mozilla Foundation does not want to be left behind and has, we could say, the upper hand. While Edge is limited to OpenAI and Chrome, when it does, it will do so with Gemini, Firefox has no commitment to any AI, allowing it to offer support for all of them.

According to the latest post available on the Mozilla blog, the foundation has been working for some time on integrating the most popular chatbots into Firefox so that users can use the one they like best or the one that best meets their needs, without having to limit themselves to the native solution of the browser they use since, as we all know, there is still no AI that is perfect and suitable for any purpose.

AI chatbos are integrated into Firefox

Mozilla has made the announcement after launching the first beta of this integration through the Nightly version of Firefox, a version that is now available for download. To activate this functionality in the Nightly version of Firefox, we must access the Nightly Experiments section and activate the AI ​​Chatbot Integration box and select which of the 4 options we want to use.

Firefox Nightly AI chatbot

To start using it, it is not associated with the use of extensions, but rather we must select the text on which we want to work, press the right mouse button and select the task we want to do with the AI ​​that we have configured by default.

Once the test phase has passed, this new feature will be integrated directly into the Firefox browser. Regarding integration, Firefox has opted for a sidebar that will be displayed when we want to use this function to ask questions, a design similar to that of the Opera browser.

The integration of AI chatbots in Firefox will initially include support for ChatGPT, Google Gemini, HuggingChat and Le Chat Mistral. Once we have selected the chatbot that we want to use by default, it will be necessary to enter the access data of the accounts that users usually use.

Using ChatGPT in Firefox

Fortunately, they will not be the only ones since this number will increase to add new AI services, as long as they meet minimum quality requirements.

And what about privacy?

Regarding privacy, it is important to note that, although Firefox focuses on user privacy, to use these AI platforms it is necessary to use an account, so all the data that is generated, depending on which Intelligence Artificial whether we use, they will be used, or not, to continue training her.

Hopefully, in future versions, Firefox will implement the same system that DuckDuckGo uses to interact with this type of AI anonymously so that the data generated is not used to improve its operation.

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