They have stolen the names and surnames, ID, address, contact details and CUPS of Repsol electricity customers


With more than 2 million customers, Repsol is one of the most important electricity and gas companies in our country. According to what has been revealed in the last few hours, a failure in the company’s security system has caused partial access to all the data of thousands of customers, clearly affecting them. Apparently, the information that could have been stolen corresponds to names, surnames, ID, address and keys corresponding to the Universal Supply Point Code (CUPS).

It seems that, despite having reinforced security, cybercrime always finds a way to break down the wall that supports the defense of the storage of millions of data. One of the biggest examples occurred late yesterday afternoon, when the alarm was raised after Repsol sent an email to all its customers. In this email, it is stated that a group of cybercriminals found a security breach in the computer systems, gaining access to sensitive data of its users.

This type of action could affect the credentials and contact information of many people, so it is always prudent to contact the company to make sure everything is in order. However, Repsol has made an appeal to all its customers to remain calm and has apologized for everything that happened.

Thousands of data and passwords compromised

The electricity and gas company has had a rough time at the beginning of September, and no wonder, after receiving one of its worst news of the year. A few hours ago, Repsol released a statement stating that on September 10, intruders tried to break into the company’s digital security facilities. In this way, it was identified that their main objective was to obtain the data of all its customers.

Specifically, it has been discovered that the purpose was to obtain current account or credit card numbers, passwords or electricity consumption data, as well as names, surnames, ID, address, contact details and CUPS. Without a doubt, this could be one of the most gruesome cases of cybercrime so far this year, as this type of situation compromises the security of users.

Repsol security breach

Everything is a scare that is quickly resolved.

Fortunately, it all ended in a scare, and Repsol has informed all its electricity customers that this incident was immediately detected through security protocols, so, initially, everything was resolved without causing any disruption. The company has also asked its supplier to apply additional measures to prevent this type of situation from happening again.

Therefore, Repsol has wanted to leave a series of indications on record to be wary of any illegal activity and thus protect our personal documentation:

  • Be wary of fraudulent emails, fake phone calls or suspicious text messages from a recipient you recognise, especially when they ask for your bank details.
  • Do not click on links attached to messages, as you could download a virus that installs itself on your computer and deletes all your confidential information.

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