In order to save on the electricity bill, you can take into account certain recommendations that will come in handy. But especially on days when it is very cold, such as the cold wave that we are experiencing in a good part of Spain these days, it is when it is most necessary to put these tips into practice. The goal is to pay less on the bill for the month. In a few days, if you misuse energy, you can consume quite a lot.
What to do to save light during a cold snap
There is little to explain about what a cold wave is. Basically it is a few days in which the temperature drops below normal. This can cause us to spend more light, since we are going to need the temperature of the house to increase and we can use devices such as stoves, radiators or heating. But you can try to keep consumption from skyrocketing.
Manage your heating well
Something essential is that you manage the heating, radiators or stoves that you use well. That is key to controlling spending. Put it at the times you really need to heat the house and set a suitable temperature. That will help you spend as little as possible and prevent the use of heating from skyrocketing.
At what temperature to put the heating? Ideally, it should be between 19 and 21 degrees during the day. You really don’t need to increase it and each degree of difference can make you consume about 7% more. Instead, at night you can lower the temperature even to 16 degrees.
But managing heating is also using it in the areas of the home where you really need it. Do not have it on in rooms that you do not use, for example. In addition, in transit areas or where you are going to spend less time, you can lower the temperature of those radiators somewhat and thus spend less.
Keep the house from getting cold as much as possible
It is important that you avoid as much as possible that the temperature drops drastically. Especially in cold snaps, the temperature can drop quickly if you’re careless. But what can you do to keep the temperature as much as possible? Undoubtedly thermal insulation is key.
For example, you can improve the insulation of the windows. You can use double glass or even insulating rubber to seal any opening that may exist. Detecting small air leaks is going to be key in this cold wave so that the house maintains the temperature as much as possible.
Take advantage of home automation
Having a smart home can also help you in a cold snap so you use less energy. You may have a home heating, with a smart thermostat. But you may also heat the house with a radiator or stove, as well as an air conditioner. In these last three cases, even if you do not have smart devices, you will be able to automate them.
For this, what you need is a smart plug. You can connect devices to it and control when they turn on or off. You can turn it on for a while before you get home, for example. This will prevent you from having to leave them on if you are going to leave the house and want the house to be warm when you arrive. It is important to avoid that the Internet speed drops through Wi-Fi, since the home automation will be connected wirelessly.
You can see some smart plugs:
Avoid unnecessary consumption
On the other hand, something more generic is to avoid unnecessary consumption. This is especially useful when you anticipate an increase in spending and want to save on the bill. Try to eliminate phantom consumption, which for example is the red LED on the television when you keep it on Stand By, leaving the microwave connected to the current, having devices connected to the television even if you are not using them, etc.
The phantom consumption can reach over 10% of the total monthly bill. Avoiding it can help you save money every month. But beyond that, you can also avoid unnecessary consumption by misusing other appliances such as the refrigerator, the type of light bulbs you use, and the like.
In short, these tips will help you save light during the cold snap. Mainly it is essential to manage the temperature well. It is also a good idea to avoid unnecessary consumption of other appliances.