Why is there a green dot on Chromecast and how to remove it


It’s hard to find a home that doesn’t have a smart TV. But there are still some, and they are the ones who trust in the power of a TV Box with which to have all the possibilities that an Android system can offer them. However, Chromecast users have noticed the presence of a green dot on the screen and some want to know what it means and how to remove it.

It all comes from an invention that was introduced in Android 12 back in 2021. So, the Mountain View guys wanted to provide an option for users to know which device was listening or recording.

The meaning of the green dot on Chromecast

As we told you, Google has included new privacy options over time. One of the last ones has to do with notifying the user when a camera or microphone is open. At that time, the person who has the terminal will be notified that the device has an application that is capturing what it says or what the terminal sees.


As you can see, it is an option that helps to improve trust with the user regarding the technology they use. And in Chromecast the same thing happens. The device will notify you with a green light at the top right of the screen when voice search is active. In other words, as soon as you activate the remote’s microphone, this light will appear.

Why is the green dot not removed?

It turns out that, as often happens with some programs, there are problems that are not to everyone’s liking. In fact, the fact that the Chromecast green light stays on can cause a lot of confusion for users. Best of all, there are options to avoid this problem.

The first of all is the simplest and involves restarting the device or the TV. As simple as that. Simply remove the device from the HDMI port and reconnect it, or turn the TV off and on again. That should be enough, although it may not be the case.

chromecast remote

If this happens, the other option is to delete installed applications. But not any random application, but those that are capable of reading the movements or signal inputs of the remote control. If you have not closed any of them correctly, it may be the problem, so make sure of it before uninstalling them.

The third measure to eliminate the green dot of the Chromecast is to touch the different settings and the configuration Follow the path: Settings> Privacy> Microphone> deactivate Microphone access. This will prevent the remote from picking up your voice, thus eliminating the use of this part of the device. You lose in functionality but gain in privacy.

It goes without saying that the device must have the latest updated version on the market, something essential that helps to avoid problems like this one that we are telling you about and that has scared more than one person into thinking that Google was listening to them at all times.

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