Orange has a new fiber and mobile rate without TV to fight against cheap combinations


Operators do not stop competing among themselves to continue adding new customers. One of Orange’s latest strategies is based on launching a fiber and mobile rate without television, all to reduce the final price for users. In addition, it is clearly a rate that competes directly with other offers such as Movistar Base or Vodafone yu.

At the time, the orange operator surprised everyone by launching fibre-only rates with Orange TV. In fact, it became one of the few operators where you couldn’t just contract Internet. Just like each and every one of its convergent plans had a TV package. Now, with the launch of the new Original rate, things are changing.

The Original Orange rate

Next to Love rates, each and every one of these with a TV package, the operator decides to add a new option for those customers who do not want to enjoy Orange TV. The rate in question is the Original, a new combined plan that includes fiber and two mobile lines.

There is no doubt that the operator seeks to compete against the rest of the large companies, as is the case of Movistar with its Base plan or Vodafone’s offer with Yu. But what characteristics does this new convergent plan from the French operator have? We see it:

  • Fiber with 600 Mbps.
  • Landline with unlimited calls to national landlines and 1,000 minutes to national mobiles.
  • A 5G+ mobile line with unlimited calls and 50 GB.
  • Second mobile line with 0 cents per minute (call establishment of 0.40 euros) and up to 10 GB.

Orange store from the outside with the blinds half down

The main mobile line also allows you to spend the 50 GB roaming in the EU, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Gibraltar. As for the router that is included, it is the model with WiFi 5. In addition, it allows you to add extra mobile lines from 8.95 euros per month, or additional fiber lines for 24.95 euros. The price? The Original Orange rate costs 52 euros per month. So it is at the same level as the fiber and mobile rates without TV of Movistar and Vodafone.

How is it different from Vodafone and Movistar?

Within the Vodafone Yu proposals, you can find two different plans without television: 300 Mbps + 5G mobile line with 50 GB for 40 euros per month and 600 Mbps + 5G mobile line with unlimited GB + second line with unlimited data (for 1 .90 euros per month extra) for 52.20 euros (web price of 47.20 euros per month).

In the case of Movistar, only a combined plan is offered: 600 Mbps + 5G+ mobile line with 30 GB + second line with 5 GB and 50 cents for call establishment. All for 52.90 euros per month. Therefore, there are similar and different aspects between these plans:

  • Both Orange and Movistar offer 5G+, something that Vodafone does not offer.
  • Permanence: 12 months in Orange and Vodafone, and no permanence in Movistar.
  • The cheapest plan is with Vodafone, although asymmetric fiber is available in HFC areas. Therefore, fiber optics are not always available as is the case in the other two operators.

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