RTVE refuses to pay 100,000 euros per match and will not broadcast LaLiga

RTVE refuses to pay 100,000 euros per match and will not broadcast LaLiga

Spectators will not be able to watch any LaLiga 2024/2025 matches, after an agreement between the public corporation and the Mediapro group was not possible.

The TVE Council has not reached an agreement with Mediapro to broadcast LaLiga matches. After four months of negotiations, the management team has concluded that the limiting conditions imposed by Mediapro made the offer very unattractive. With five votes against, the Council has refused to disburse the 3.8 million euros that it was planned to spend, about 100,000 euros per match for a total of 38 matches.

Finally, the three members of the PP Council, former president Elena Sánchez and councilor Martín Medem, have voted no to the purchase of these emission rights, considering them too expensive. And the fact is that, compared to the one hundred thousand euros for each event that the Mediapro group requested, the public channel considers that it was a very high figure taking into account that they are not the matches of greatest interest, taking into account the numerous restrictions that they imposed on them.

Some of these restrictions are not being able to broadcast any matches of Real Madrid, FC Barcelona, ​​Atlético de Madrid or Valencia CF, as well as not being able to broadcast matches of teams that are within the European competition until they are eliminated. Added to this is that the choice of matches to be broadcast had to be communicated one month in advance, and that a maximum of 14 matches for the same club was established with a limit of 8 at home. On the other hand, it was not going to be possible to choose any programming sponsor that conflicted with the five already assigned to the competition.

LaLiga ball

LaLiga also demanded to know the format in which each match would be broadcast, and required that, if broadcast on a Friday or Monday, it had to start at 9:00 p.m. This is a television package similar to the one offered by Gol TV, with a low price due to this whole series of conditions.

New TVE offer

Although this project has not gone ahead, on June 24 it was agreed by the Board of Directors of Spanish Television which would be the new members of the television catalog for the next season. Thus, it was decided to renew the Tour de France broadcasting rights, the broadcast of Supernanny was cancelled, and a third season of ‘La Moderna’ was approved. Thus, entertainment will continue to occupy a main space within its programming, with the renewal of ‘Bake Off: Celebrities in the oven’, and the approval of a new talent program focused on the couplet: ‘The Red Chair’.

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