Windows 11 activates the copying of files in OneDrive without your permission: this is how you can deactivate it


As if there were not a few new Windows 11 functions that have sparked controversy among its users (attempts to sneak advertising, force us to use its native programs or force us to pay attention to its AI Copilot…), a new default configuration in Windows 11 causes synchronization with OneDrive to be activated by default, without first asking the user if they want to use it or not.

If the user registers their Windows for the first time the way Microsoft intends for them to do it (by being connected to the Internet and including their Microsoft account), they will find that, if they already had files saved in the OneDrive account, their new Computer will display these files on the system automatically.

In defense of Microsoft, it must be said that, if the user makes active use of OneDrive, automatically receiving these files will be of great help to recover our documents, and it is also very similar to how iCloud works in macOS. However, it is true that the ideal would be to ask the user beforehand if they want to synchronize with their cloud or not.

In this way, without permission from the user, OneDrive is activated by default and begins to synchronize files located on the Desktop and in folders such as Images, documents, music and videos. Having bought a new computer, it would be quite annoying to see that everything is suddenly full as soon as you launch it due to all the files you had saved in the cloud. Likewise, you may not want OneDrive to back up your data, either because you use another cloud service or because you simply don’t want your files to be on the Internet.

OneDrive logo over clouds

Backups require resources on the part of the computer, since they consume data from the Internet and some processing on the part of the PC, so if we do not use OneDrive, it will be a background task that will not help us. contribute nothing. For all this, if you are one of those who does not want to use OneDrive or, at least, not at first, we present below the steps to follow to deactivate it in Windows.

How to disable copying in OneDrive

Simply complete the following process:

  1. Right-click the OneDrive icon in the tray area, tap the settings icon, and then tap Settings.
  2. Go to the “Sync & Backup” tab and click “Manage Backup.”
  3. Disable all folders you don’t want to back up in OneDrive and commit the changes.
  4. If you have an older version of OneDrive with the classic tabbed interface, go to the Backup tab and click Manage Backup > Stop Backup > Stop Backup.

Ready. On the other hand, we also remind you that, if you are sure that you are not going to want to use OneDrive at any time, you can also uninstall it completely from the system.

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