This is the picture mode I always set when I launch a Smart TV


Our smart television has different modes that adapt both to the content we are enjoying and to our tastes. However, it is a setting that we usually overlook and opt for the more standard modes. This is the one I always configure when I change televisions.

For many years, the most modern televisions They offer us a wide range of configuration options in order to adapt to our tastes and needs. However, many of us choose to leave the image settings with the parameters that come predefined. In this way, we trust that the manufacturer has done a good calibration of all the aspects involved in our viewing experience.

Although in many cases this is true, in others it is possible that the configuration that comes standard is not optimal based on our tastes. In this case, we can always go to the display modes to find a set of actions that actually shows us the content in a clearer way.

image of a smart tv

Standard modes

In most of the Smart TV, Standard or dynamic modes usually indicate that the color representation is displayed based on brightness and contrast that are set to maximum. Although at first this may impact us positively, the most movie buffs prefer to bet on a color reproduction that best fits reality.

If this is your case, our advice is that you bet on the modes that are called “cinema” or “film”. In this case, the main change we are going to see is that the color scheme It’s going to change completely. The brightness is reduced considerably compared to the standard option and, in addition, the contrast is increased to offer a result that is more similar to reality.

Keep in mind that this brightness is designed to reproduce the same setting as we find in a movie theater. Therefore, we will be able to enjoy it much more if we turn off the lights in the room and create a climate more similar to that found in movie theaters.

More changes

In addition to the above, we will also notice changes in color temperature or in the dynamic and adaptive contrast displayed by our Smart TV. However, in the latter case not all smart TVs have this option, so it will depend on the model and the age of the TV to be able to make manual settings.

In the event that we do not get used to the configuration that each of the modes brings as standard, we can always access the configuration menu of our television and begin to modify parameters manually until we find the right balance for both the content that we usually enjoy on our Smart TV cas well as the lighting conditions of the space in which it is located.

Also remember that the newer models also incorporate possibilities that allow images to be processed using AI so that the result is more natural. Being another aspect that we must take into account to be able to make the relevant configuration.

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